
MODdy is a desktop application used by NUS Computing students to track their course progression, manage modules and manage deadlines. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC. It is an application developed by a team of 5 NUS Computing students, adapted from AddressBook-Level3 project created by SE-EDU initiative at SE-Education.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: Added the ability to show profile, module, semester and focus area

    • What it does: Allows the user to display an overview of his profile, display details of a module, display all modules taken in the specified semester, and display all modules available under the specified focus area.

    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because it allows a user to see all his modules and grades at one glance, and this convenience is a main feature of this app. It also allows user to see the modules he has taken, information on each module and requirements of each focus area so they can plan for modules to take better.

    • Highlights: This enhancement required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives as there were many different objects (e.g. Name, ModuleCode, Year, FocusArea) to be parsed separately. The implementation too was challenging as it was decided to have a single ShowCommand class instead of extracting each show feature to inherit a ShowCommand class.

  • Major enhancement: Added the ability to store modules under each course requirements, as well as modules under each focus areas in JSON format

    • What it does: Allows the app to parse the course data into relevant Java objects, and to be used for the implementations of the app’s main features.

    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because it allows the app to provide users with all of SoC courses' information from different websites in a single app, which is a main feature of this app.

    • Highlights: This enhancement required the process of going through each of the course’s website under NUS School of Computing, as well as manually extracting and converting information provided by NUS SoC into the JSON file.

  • Minor enhancement: Added the ability to manage tasks with deadlines by implementing deadlines related classes.

  • Code contributed: Functional and test code

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Managed all 5 milestones v1.0 - v1.4 on GitHub systematically, linking relevant issues and pull requests for each of them (Milestone v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.3, v1.4).

      • Maintained the entire issue tracker by opening issues for each milestone, tagging with the appropriate labels, assigning issues to members and milestones, authoring up to 79 issues.

    • Team-based tasks:

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Wrote additional tests for existing features (add and delete) to increase coverage across a few pull requests (Pull requests #266, #287, #314, #357).

    • Community:

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide for features implemented. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Creating new user profile : new

If you want to get started on using MODdy, you will have to create a new profile. By using this command, it creates a profile for you as shown in the figure below. You will have to provide your details as parameters.

Format: new n/name c/course y/year.semester [f/focusArea]

  • c/course and f/focusArea is case-insensitive but has to be its full name. If you are unsure of what is allowed, you can refer to the Appendix for the list of courses and focus areas supported by MODdy.

  • If you have yet to decide on a focus area, you can choose to add it to your profile later using the edit feature mentioned in Section 4.4. Other profile fields can be changed using the edit feature as well.

  • y/year.semester must be entered as an integer. You should only enter the year and semester that you are currently in. If you are now a Year 2 Semester 1 student, enter y/2.1.

  • You can only have one profile! If you wish to create a new profile, you can remove it with the delete feature mentioned in Section 4.6.

Example: new n/John c/Computer Science y/2.2 creates a new profile with the name "John", currently majoring in "Computer Science" and is a Year 2 Semester 2 student, as shown in Figure 4 below.

Figure 1. New profile created is displayed in the Profile Panel
new n/John c/Computer Science y/2.2 f/Software Engineering
If you know your focus area, using this command will add focus area "Software Engineering" to your new profile alongside other details.
The maximum Year and Semester you can go up to is Year 8 Semester 2.

Adding module or task: add

If you want to add modules to each of your semesters or add tasks to each of your modules in the current semester, this command is the right one for you!

There are two ways you can use the add command:

Adding a module to MODdy

Format: add m/moduleCode y/year.semester [g/grade]

You can add multiple modules at the same time but only to the same year and semester.
To add multiple modules, just append the m/moduleCode tags right after another, e.g. add m/CS1231 m/IS1103 m/MA1521 y/1.1.
However, you cannot add grades when adding multiple modules.
  • y/year.semester must be entered as an integer. You should enter the year and semester that you took the module in. If you took the module in Year 2 Semester 1, enter y/2.1.

  • As you have already specified the current semester you are currently in when creating your profile, MODdy will indicate modules added to prior semesters, current semester and future semesters as "COMPLETED", "IN_PROGRESS" and "PLANNING" respectively.

  • g/grade is optional. If you have yet to obtain a grade for the module, don’t worry, you can always add it to the module later using the edit feature mentioned in Section 4.4.

Example: add m/CS2103T y/2.2 adds CS2103T to Year 2 Semester 2, as shown in Figure 5 below.

Figure 2. CS2103T is added as a module under Year 2 Semester 2
add m/CS2105 y/2.1 g/A+
You can add CS2105 with its resulting grade, A+, concurrently to the list of modules under Year 2 Semester 1.
You can add up to a maximum of 10 modules per semester in MODdy.

Checking of Prerequisites:
If you have not met the prerequisites of a module, you will receive a warning message as shown in Figure 6 below. You can ignore the message if you have already taken the preclusion of that prerequisite module.

Figure 3. Warning message shown when adding CS2030 to Year 2 Semester 2

Adding a task with a deadline to a module in MODdy

Format: add m/moduleCode t/task [d/deadline]

You can add multiple tasks at once but only to the same module, e.g. add m/CS1231 t/tutorial d/2020-04-20 18:00 t/assignment d/2020-04-25 23:59.
However, for multiple tasks, as long as one task has a deadline, all t/task tags have to be appended with d/deadline tags.
For the tasks with no deadlines, the tag can just be d/, e.g. add m/IS1103 t/project d/2020-05-01 23:59 t/reflection d/.
  • You can only add a task to the module if the module has been added to your current semester in MODdy previously.

  • d/deadline must be entered in the format d/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm, e.g. d/2020-03-31 23:59.

  • d/deadline is optional if you are only adding one task and your task has no deadline. If your task has a Date due but no Time due, just enter d/YYYY-MM-DD and we will set the Time to default (23:59).

  • You can delete a completed task using the delete feature mentioned in Section 4.6.

Example: add m/CS2105 t/Assignment d/2020-04-20 23:59 adds a task named "Assignment" with the deadline "20 April 2020 23:59" to the already-existing module CS2105, as shown in Figure 7 below.

Figure 4. CS2105 task is added into and displayed on the Deadline Panel
Dates are highlighted and sorted according to the number of days remaining as shown in Figure 7 above.
Red: 0 - 5 days
Orange: 6 - 10 days
Green: ≥ 11 days

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide for features implemented. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Structure of Command Features

The Command features in MODdy all extends from a single abstract class Command. A specific Command object created is executed by the LogicManger using the respective Parser, which then returns a CommandResult object and provides the result of that Command feature.

The following class diagram shows the implementation of MODdy’s Command features:

Figure 5. Class diagram illustrating all classes extending from Command

The sections below gives more details on each Command feature.

New Profile Feature

The new feature allows the user to create a Profile with the command new, appended with the tags.

The tags are:

  • n/name for Name

  • c/course for Course

  • y/currentYear.currentSemester for current year and semester

  • f/focusArea for FocusArea

Current Implementations

NewCommand extends from the Command class and uses the inheritance to facilitate the implementation. NewCommand is parsed using NewCommandParser to split the user input into relevant fields.

The following sequence diagram shows how the new operation works with the input: new n/John c/Computer Science y/2.2.

Figure 6. Interactions between UI, Logic and Model components for new n/John c/Computer Science y/2.2 command

Design Considerations

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Use the y/year.semester tag like all other commands

    • Pros: More intuitive for user (only one tag related to year and semester).

    • Cons: Harder to convey the idea that it has to be current year and current semester to user.

  • Alternative 2: Have an additional tag cs/currentYear.currentSemester instead of y/year.semester to identify the year and semester user is in

    • Pros: Easier to differentiate the current year and semester user is in among all y/year.semester tags.

    • Cons: More tags to parse, and also less intuitive for user (have to use both cs/ and y/).

Eventually, we decided on alternative 1 to prioritize user-friendliness and cleaner code.

Add Module / Task Feature

The add feature allows the user to add a Module and a Task with a Deadline for an existing module with the command add, appended with the tags.

The tags are:

  • m/moduleCode y/year.semester [g/grade] for adding a module

  • m/moduleCode y/year.semester t/task [d/deadline] for adding a task to an existing module

Multiple modules can be added at once but only to the same year and semester, e.g. add m/CS1231 m/IS1103 m/MA1521 y/1.1.
Multiple tasks can be added at once but only to the same module, e.g. add m/CS1231 t/tutorial d/2020-04-20 18:00 t/assignment d/2020-04-25 23:59.
g/grade is optional.
However, grades cannot be added when adding multiple modules.
d/deadline is optional.
However, for multiple tasks, as long as one Task has a Deadline, all t/task tags have to be appended with d/deadline tags. For the tasks with no deadlines, the tag can just be d/.

Current Implementations

AddCommand extends from the Command class and uses the inheritance to facilitate the implementation. AddCommand is parsed using AddCommandParser to split the user input into relevant fields.

The following sequence diagram shows how the add operation works with input: add m/CS2105 y/2.2.

Figure 7. Interactions between Ui, Logic and Model components for add m/CS2105 y/2.2 command

Design Considerations

Aspect 1: How modules are added

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Add multiple Module objects with one AddCommand

    • Pros: More convenient for the user.

    • Cons: Inconsistent with other commands, which can only take in one similar object with one Command.

  • Alternative 2: Add only one Module object with one AddCommand

    • Pros: Easier to implement and consistent across all commands.

    • Cons: More to type if user intends to add multiple Module objects.

Eventually, we decided on alternative 1 for the convenience of the user since the number of modules taken per semester is not low.

Aspect 2: How Deadline feature is implemented

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): The date is compulsory while time is optional for a deadline

    • Pros: Gives user the flexibility to input different types of tasks.

    • Cons: More bugs in deadline related method calls.

  • Alternative 2: Both date and time is compulsory for a deadline

    • Pros: Easier to implement since both date and time will be parsed.

    • Cons: Some tasks do not have a timing that it must be completed by, making it not user-friendly.

Eventually, we decided on alternative 1 for the benefits of the user. To tackle the cons, we have set time to be "23:59" by default if user did not specify.